Monday, March 12, 2012

The Shrine (2010):

Aaron Ashmore - Marcus
Cindy Sampson - Carmen
Meghan Heffern - Sara
Ben Lewis - Eric Taylor
Trevor Matthews - Henryk
Monica Bugajski - Emilia
Vieslav Krystyan - Arkadiusz

A group of young journalists investigate a cult said to practice human sacrifice, but their ambitious ways may lead them to becoming the cult's next victims. 

 Desperate to find that ultimate story & get out of her job as a lame journalist covering local farmers & events, Carmen (Sampson) looks into a missing persons case from Europe & enlists her clerk Sara (Heffern) & Boyfriend Marcus (Ashmore) to go with her to help find the missing boy. Once they arrive they find themselves in a small eastern European town (one I would imagine that Jaroslaw Lis most likely grew up in) where the town folk want them to leave. Well as they attempt to leave they notice a mysterious fog hanging above the tree line in the distance. Of course they need to go investigate. I would have been happy if they said "we'll fuck it, lets go home" because that would have saved me an 1h45m of my life. As they approach they obviously get split up because who the hell can't keep themselves together in a group. So clerk Sara wanders off into the fog as Marcus & Carmen meet back up. They stand around looking for her until Carmen decides oh well when your scared & lost in the woods first place to go, INTO THE FOG. So she wanders in to look for her, as she goes in eventually Sara comes out. We'll once in Carmen discovers a demonic looking statue in the fog which she investigates, takes a picture & then proceeds past it. But as she walks past it, she looks back & the head has turned & is looking back at her again, but this time with bleeding eyes. So she randomly just runs off in any direction, not the way she came just where ever seemed easiest as you should. Eventually ends up outside the fog inches from Marcus. Then appears a little girl they met before in the village who tells them she knows where the missing boy is. They follow her to a mine shaft where they go down into a small room with coffins in it. The little girls locks them in, they open coffins & one is the missing kid & he has a steel mask over his face that is apparently embedded into his skull or something. They escape, are caught by the locals (who are speaking Polish, but extremely poorly) the girls since they went into the fog get taken away & Marcus is taken separately. We'll if you want to see the ending of this film, DON'T read on. But if you don't care like me then keep reading. So it turns out that the statue has some sort of evil spirit in it & the fog is a warning to keep people out so by going in they allowed the spirit into them. So the locals wearing fancy wizard robes are going to cleans them of the evil by cutting their wrists, ankles & then sledgehammering a steel mask into their eyes so the demon can't escape or something? I have no idea. Then eventually after things happen we get like a exorcist moment where Carmen goes crazy in some rural house & kills some people until the locals come & make the save. Carmen ends up killing what I can only understand as the towns "Grand Dragon" then the second in command dude forces Marcus to help them cleans Carmen.

S.P.R.: C-/24
Acting: 5/10
Plot: 6/10
Cinematography: 5/10
Intrigue: 4/10
Extra: 4/10

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