Monday, March 19, 2012

Raising Arizona (1987):

Nicolas Cage - H.I. McDunnough
Holly Hunter - Edwina "Ed" McDunnough
Trey Wilson - Nathan Arizona
John Goodman - Gale Snoats
William Forsythe - Evelle Snoats
Sam McMurray - Glen
Frances McDormand - Dot
Randall "Tex" Cobb - Leonard Smalls

Director: Joel & Ethan Cohen

When a childless couple of an ex-con and an ex-cop decide to help themselves to one of another family's quintuplets, their lives get more complicated than they anticipated. 

Another movie starring one of my favourites, "Academy Award Winner" Nicolas Cage. If you seen a Cohen film before, you know what your getting from this. If not, it's going to be all over the place film, with comedy, enough action to qualify as action & a tiny bit of drama mixed in. I wasn't sure how i felt about the film when I first watched it. I wasn't sure that I actually liked it, but after sometime I decided that I did enjoy it. The film has an amazing cast of great comedians that include a personal favourite John Goodman. Frances McDormand, who is probably the Cohen's favourite person to cast in movies does a great job just like every other Cohen film she is in. However I must say that this film has one acting factor that I cannot stand. There is nothing that I hate more than white trashy, southern, redneck accents & slang. There is just something about it that makes it hard for me to enjoy movies. Weird I know. An earlier film from Cage where he is a little less committed to being a crazy asshole & a little more committed to his acting skills, but the role is to portray a guy who is slightly off so it's perfect for Cage. A convict who at first tried to change his ways, settle down & have a child who then can't handle the life of a father & is constantly tempted by the desire to commit crimes. The only part of the film that was slightly confusing or even hard to follow was the introduction of the "Leonard Smalls" character. He just sort of appears out of nowhere, with no back story, just blowing up shit & hunting down Cage. I guess what should i expect from a Cohen movie but still it left a slight distaste in my mouth.

S.P.R.: C+/41
Acting: 10/10
Plot: 8/10
Cinematography: 7/10
Intrigue: 8/10
Extra: 8/10

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