Thursday, March 15, 2012

I'll Sleep When I'm Dead (2003):

Clive Owen - Will
Charlotte Rampling - Helen
Jonathan Rhys Meyers - Davey
Malcolm McDowell - Boad
Jamie Formann - Mickser
Ken Stott - Turner
Sylvia Syms - Mrs. Bartz

Will Graham is a gangster who has left the life of crime and is living in the countryside. He comes out of hiding to investigate the death of his brother when he learns that he committed suicide. Charlotte Rampling is his old girlfriend who owns a restaurant. Boad is the villain responsible for the bad things that happened to Will's brother.

A British gangster film during the time when British crime films were at an all time high in America. However this movie is the slowest moving, uneventful crime/gangster drama film ever. It starts off extremely slow, following Davey (Rhys Meyers) as he does his drug dealing, fornicating usual stuff. Then follows his untimely demise after being raped by an angry Malcolm McDowell. We'll then you meet, living in a van, giant beard, on the lam Clive Owen. Just hanging out in his van down by the river. We'll he thinks he sees his brother at a ferry crossing, & when he goes to investigate, turns out he was just seeing things. So he thinks something is wrong. So he calls his brother Davey without knowing that anything has happened to him. Well, once Mickser (Davey's best friend) gets in touch with Will, who he has been looking for, for months. You find out that Will use to be the largest, most powerful street crime boss in London, but then after some shit went down, he took off. Leaving his family, associated & friends behind. So once he is informed that his brother is dead, he obviously wants revenge on who caused him to die. So then your thought process should be "it's about to pick up". WRONG. You get 45 minutes of Clive Owen, visiting people from his past (who you have never met before & aren't really informed about who they are, it's just sort of implied) trying to figure out who did it. Well once he gets information out of someone (without breaking a knee cap or any fingers) he goes to Malcolm McDowell's house to confront him. FINALLY your thinking "Yes, McDowell is going to get it". WRONG AGAIN!. He breaks into his garage, slashes his tires, McDowell comes out to see why his car alarm is going off & find Owen standing there with a gun. So what does he do? Shoot him in the face? Shoot him in both knee caps? NOPE! Tells him how upset he is & whines about how he use to be the most powerful man & now he's back..... AND WALKS AWAY!!!!!! Acting is decent, production value is low, not worth seeing. Good thing it was a buy one get one free...

S.P.R.: F/20
Acting: 7/10
Plot: 4/10
Cinematography: 5/10
Intrigue: 2/10
Extra: 2/10

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