Friday, January 25, 2013

Zero Dark Thirty (2012):
Jessica Chastain - Maya
Jason Clarke - Dan
Joel Edgerton - Patrick
Mark Strong - George
Jennifer Ehle - Jessica
Kyle Chandler - Joseph Bradley
Chris Pratt - Justin
Taylor Kinney - Jared
Edgar Ramirez - Larry
Mark Duplass - Steve
Frank Grillo - Red Squadron Commanding Officer
Harold Perrineau - Jack
James Gandolfini - CIA Director Leon Panetta 
Scott Adkins - John

Director: Kathryn Bigelow (The Hurt Locker)

For a decade, an elite team of intelligence and military operatives, working in secret across the globe, devoted themselves to a single goal: to find and eliminate Osama bin Laden. This is the story of history's greatest manhunt for the world's most dangerous man.

So the next installment in the Kathryn Bigelow war saga, I guess if you can call it that. So pretty much take all of the intensity, the drama, the suspense, explosions of The Hurt Locker, condense them into the last 20 minutes of this movie, then fill the first two plus hours in with tons of boring CIA mumbo jumbo jargin, boring conference room talk, phone calls & the slightest amounts of torture porn. I was someone who wasn't totally on board with The Hurt Locker winning best picture, but now after seeing this boring garbage, I will gladly accept THL's Academy Award as long as this one doesn't win. Let's face it, the only reason that this movie got such high praise & attention is: America. Killing Osama. that's the only reason. I cannot believe that Jessica Chastain got an Oscar nod for this movie, I didn't think that her role was any better than any of the other films she has done that she didn't get nominated for. There was in fact one point in the film that actually made me quite furious. So this is I'm going to say loosely based on true facts, because Hollywood always fudges up the truth. Anyways so as the Seals team moves in to kill Osama, they face the slightly amount of resistance from the people living within the same compound as Osama is hiding out in. So as they move in they begin to shoot at the Seals, who obviously have to kill them to get in safely. After they off Osama, they call for a body bag from one of the soldiers outside. He is their liaison officer to the arab world as he is an Arab American. Anyways as he comes in with the body bag for Osama, he stops & looks into a room where there is a dead man & woman who were fighting against the Seals. So he stops, looks in at them & the music gets all dramatic & sad as he looks down at their dead bodies. Oh you can fuck right off. You do not try & make us the audience feel sympathy for people who were aiding & abiding a mass murderer & enemy of the state. The man was a lunatic & now because a woman who was protecting him gets killed all of a sudden we are suppose to feel sorry for her? Kathryn Bigelow, you do shit work. Movie was horribly boring. The only thing this movie taught me was: Bert Macklin, F.B.I. = Killed Osama.

Budget: $40,000,000
Box Office (To Date): $63,028,596
Profit (To Date): $23,028,596

Rotten Tomatoes: 93%
Flixster: 85%


Lead Acting: 6/15
Supporting Cast: 6/15
Plot: 7/10
Compared To The Genre: 0/10
Cinematography: 4/20
Intrigue: 2/20
Extra: 0/10  

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