Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I want to send out a special thank you to everyone of you that have clicked on the link when I have posted it on Facebook or Twitter & to anyone who might have randomly stumbled upon this blog somehow. It's been a somewhat inconsistent year for me. Started out very steady with updated almost weekly but as the year slowly progressed & my list of watched movies became uncontrollably longer it did become harder to keep up to date on what I had watched. I have received some feed back over the year that I hopefully will take into the next year. I have also begun a journey into the world of podcasting which I would also like to thank anyone who has listened to any of them. ISUXDIX ♥'s Cinema & Cinema Macabre. Now for a special treat for everyone who has now just sat through this post here is.....            
                  DREW'S TOP 12 OF 2012!!!!:

A great combination of intensity & comedic chemistry mixed with a true life story that seems almost too funny to be real. I love Ben-a-flicks.

The Amazing Spider-Man
A reboot that actually NEEDED to be made unlike so many before it. I absolutely loved Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man, I thought he made a super hero, which by nature is comic booky, seem much than just a kid who gains super powers, but an actual human being. Not the best Spider-Man villain but the ending was very well done. I look forward to this version of the franchise continuing.

I'm a sucker for civil war era films, even if most of them are made by hardcore purists who have to include every tiny conversation about every tiny little detail of the story no matter how unimportant it is to the actual progression of the films plot. Daniel Day-Lewis however is unbelievable in the role of Abe Lincoln. I wanted to make the joke of "This was the 2nd best Lincoln bio pic I saw this year" but Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter was awful. Some hilarious dialogue courtesy of Tommy Lee Jones & Fat James Spader.

Seeking A Friend For The End
Of The World
A very emotional ride that you might not expect from a Steve Carell joint, but does have some very funny moments mixed in with the realization of impending doom that the two new friends face at the end. This has now become my favourite Rom-Com, replacing "Zoo".

The Hunter
Now technically this movie was made at the end of 2011, but since it was filmed in Tasmania, released in Australia & then eventually released in North America, so by the time we got it here it was mid 2012. Now this film might not be for the conventional movie fan, or someone with a short attention span, who becomes bored easily or isn't interested in cryptozoology, but if those things do apply to you then this movie is for you. A man is hired by a genetics corporation to travel to Tasmania & track down any remaining DNA of the thought to be extinct Tasmanian Tiger. Once he arrives he is met with disdain & distrust from the locals, rival competitors & the family of a missing man with whom he learns to trust. This movie has the most uncomfortable bathtub scene & also a very depressing ending but it is still incredibly we'll done for a low budget Australian film.

I haven't laughed this hard since I was a little girl. Well Hollywood sure does known how to cater to an entire country just by producing the 3rd hilarious hockey movie in 35 years (Slap Shot 1979 & Mystery, Alaska 1999). Even if you don't like sports movies, or hockey or anything about this movie, it was still a hilarious movie full of nothing but silly slap stick & some great one liners. Seann William Scott is back to being funny & not just annoying.

Moonrise Kingdom
Wes Anderson's 2012 contribution to the world of cinema. Just like all of his past features this one had it's stationary back drop sets, camera pans, interesting costumes & wacky characters. Bill Murray at his finest, Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Frances McDormand all on the top of their games. It is also Wes' social commentary on the legal age of consent. to drop it from 16 (or 18 where ever it applies) down to like 11.

The first of two Disney movies released this year (the other being Wreck-It Ralph) this one is a major throw back to the old days of Disney with a powerful female princess, animated human like animals, wacky characters & a great movie about being who you are & being an individual & not being who you are suppose to be. A great message for children & young girls. Some pretty great comedy as well involving the mom & brothers turning into bears.

The newest installment of the Bond movie franchise became the #1 all time grossing movie of Sony Pictures studios. I know a lot of people shit all over this one because it wasn't as true to the Bond formula as previous films but I loved the fact that they really went into the back story of this specific Bond, made him seem like more of a human being than just a trained killing, sex machine. A somewhat rare acting role from Albert Finney who hasn't done very much in the last few years. Javier Bardem was great in yet another villainous role in his fine acting career.

Futuristic assassins hunting down the most dangerous prey, their future selves. Who would have thought that Tommy from Third Rock From The Sun would eventually become one of the biggest actors in the entire world. My money was on French Stewart. Awesome story, great action, BEST ENDING!!!

So awesomely dark, was not at all interested in seeing it when I first saw the previews because I wasn't quite sure what I was going to be seeing, also because of how sick & tired I am of the goddamn Hollywood love obsession with found footage films. However once I convinced myself to attempt to look past it, it ended up being one of the best movies I had seen all year. The story was very unique, the main characters were perfectly written with just the right amount of realistic qualities to make them like able.

The Cabin In The Woods!
The only film that I saw more than once (3 times) in theaters this year. Now this movie might not even be in most people's Top 50 of this year because a lot of people aren't exactly into the whole horror movie scene, but it is so much more than that. It's not what you think it is. Bunch of kids go to a Cabin in the Woods, get drunk, wanna bang then they get all sliced up..... OK we'll maybe it's almost exactly what you think it is.... But again IT IS SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT!

Honourable Mentions:
The Grey: Liam Neeson Vs Wolves
Wreck-It Ralph: Too kiddish for me, also didn't like the stupid poop humour between Ralph & Sarah Silverman's character.
21 Jump Street : Would have been higher but when I see this many movies in one year, it is kid of hard to put all of them in the Top 12. Was still really funny.
The Avengers: I had already seen Iron Man 1 & 2, Captain America, Thor so I had already seen this movie for the most part. Was much better the second time I had watched it.
Prometheus: Only because I am so in love with the world of Alien, that anything to do with it is up there for me. Even when the movie has the most uncomfortable scene of my life.

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